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Bike Trains Roll Past Los Angeles Traffic
Los Angeles is notorious

for traffic jams and aggressive drivers.

Devon Fitzgerald, a cyclist,

is familiar with both.

"A lot of LA folks are in a rush

and it's very easy for them

to prioritize their speed

over your safety."

Bicycles in the city are dangerous

for the cyclist and the driver.

To make cycling safer,

some bicyclists in Los Angeles are commuting together

in "bike trains" like this one.

They draw people

who live and work near each other.

Nona Varnado is co-founder of L.A. Bike Trains

launched in May of 2013.

The number of participants has been growing

along with the number of routes

around the city.

"We specifically design each route

so that we avoid problem intersections."

The routes range

from 7 to almost 32 kilometers.

That makes L.A. Bike Trains unique

compared to other cities,

says Herbie Huff,

a transportation expert

at University of California Los Angeles.

She says, in recent years, urban planners

such as the ones in L.A.

have been trying to encourage bicycling.

"The city has added more bike lanes

in the last two fiscal years

than in the previous 30 fiscal years combined."

Huff says bike lanes provide the flexibility

that a bike train doesn't.

"You know one of the benefits of infrastructure

is that people can come and go

when they want."

"I think that we should have far greater infrastructure

than a few little paint lines on the street."

Varnado likes separated or elevated bike lanes,

but she says bike trains can do

what a bike lane can't.

"We want people to develop

that mental sense of security and confidence

by riding together in a group."

Her aim is to make L.A. Bike Trains

an ingrained part of L.A.,

so people can hop on and off,

just as they would from a bus.

Elizabeth Lee for VOA News, Los Angeles



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